SWIIM’s data scientists are able to review and correct data as the season progresses, eventually providing a “final” report. Our staff will consult with the grower and their water manager (normally a ditch company, irrigation district or farmer co-operative) to validate efficient fields and provide input on those that can still be improved.
Our Grower Relations team then uses this data to review with the client at the conclusion of each crop season to provide insight and allow the grower to make adjustments moving forward to improve irrigation efficiency. We do not tell the client what to do – he or she knows their operations best. We simply provide valuable insight for better decision-making.
We gather accurate flow from instrumentalist in the field and acquire remote-gathered data, which is then compiled, processed and then used to provide real-time monitoring and verification of your actual applied and consumed water usage, including conserved water, as estimated by SWIIM. Once your water reduction is verified, we will help you remain efficient – it may also provide a credit or potentially be transferred to alternative uses, creating a new revenue stream for you and your neighbors – all while keeping your farming operations in solid operation.
Our services range from simple to complex – clients include family farms and corporate farming organizations alike. The solution is based upon your specific needs and the regional water district in which you are a member. Contact us today to learn more about how SWIIM can provide for better utilization of your farm water budget and additional revenue from utilizing your water in more effective applications.

Here is an example of how our data analysis can help. Growers are informed as to the most recent date their data has been quality checked by our data scientists (circled in red). This grower has created a custom dashboard that alerts him as to when his ET (crop consumption) exceeds his cumulative, ranch-wide water application, which was developed with a water budget in mind. The system provides alerts to his staff when the number goes negative (as it does on this screenshot). This could be an indication that they may need to irrigate more. A positive value may be an indicator that they can ease off on irrigation, but calls for a more detailed review of individual field delivery reports to assure that this trend is accurate. The detailed data, by field can be accessed through the dashboard, or though weekly emailed reports.

Used in conjunction with instrumentation to monitor crop-water budgets
more accurately.
An independent, third-party, quality-checked and audited confirmation of crop-water budgets.
Real-time monitoring and verification of your saved water usage and an integrated management tool.
The SWIIM team will consult with the grower to deliver optimized water use and increased profits.