The trend of elevated growing, such as the use of substrate in a gutter system, is becoming more common. We provide the ability to fully automate your irrigation and fertigation schedule, collect drainage, and reduce ground preparation including the use of fumigants.
Substrate raspberries and blackberries are becoming a growing market which allows for reduced ground preparation, increased efficiencies, and the potential for year your production. We provide growers with the ability to have several nutrient recipes for use throughout the plants life cycle, fully automate their irrigation and fertigation, monitor factors effecting the plants such as weather, nutrients, irrigation timing, etc., and provide guidance while transitioning to a new growing style.
Blueberries are a long term crop providing production for over 30 years. Knowing this we work not only with new plantings, but existing crops to help growers transition into a technical era of growing. Due to the plants sensitivity to changes in pH, we provide options to reduce variability, adjust pH of the water source, and monitor changes. This ties into our control systems which will allow for full automation in both existing and new crops.
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Starting a new project and want to make sure you’re getting the best system for your money? Looking to retrofit an existing greenhouse or grow room? We’ve got you covered every step of the way from design and engineering to construction and installation.
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Sales / Construction /Service (209) 727-4007
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Agronomy (559) 272-8778
Precision Irrigation (831) 228-8002