Frank Toves was recently elected to the Presidents position of the California Agricultural Irrigation Association. Frank has been contributing to the organization for several years now. His hard work, knowledge, and commitment to quality led others in the Association to elect him to this position.
The California Agricultural Irrigation Association (CAIA) is a network of irrigation professionals throughout California whose goal is to promote common ideals, standards, and business practices. Considering the delicate balance between an ever-increasing demand for high-quality foods and fiber (including fiber for ethanol) and the steady decline of reliable water supplies, the industry must continue to develop efficient irrigation design and management practices that promote water and soil conservation while increasing yields and improving crop quality. CAIA advocates these efforts.
The CAIA also encourages current and future industry members’ education through irrigation certification classes and scholarship and internship programs for high school and college students.
The California Agricultural Irrigation Association (CAIA) is an inclusive non-profit organization whose principal objective is to enhance agricultural irrigation that:
- Promotes water and soil conservation to increase yields and to improve the quality of crops through the efficiency of design and economical use of irrigation systems;
- Promotes standards for the proper design, installation, and management of irrigation systems;
- Is large enough to wield influence regarding state agricultural water legislation;
- Promotes ethical business practices within the industry.
- Promoting water and soil conservation to increase yields and improve the quality of crops through the efficiency of design and economical use of irrigation systems.
- Supporting the irrigation industry by taking an active position on legislation that effects members and/or water users.
- Establishing, maintaining, promoting, and supporting systems of education and instruction for its members.
- Promoting standards for the proper design, installation, and management of irrigation systems.
- CAIA shall be dedicated and resolved to encourage a cooperative relationship among the industry segments, for the ultimate benefit of all concerned.